HOWTO: run finite-automata-reduction decider with independent implementations

Hi! I show below how to reproduce results from finite-automata-reduction (a decider method with 2 search algorithms):
first with my program (repo/PR),
then by chaining @TonyG’s implementation of what I call direct with @djmati1111’s implementation of what I call mitm_dfa.

This is not an independent repro when I do it, so I’d like an independent operator to please try matching these results. I hope this demo is helpful.

The starting point is index revision 758324e with 535801 machines.
As a proof of concept, I’ll show a shallow search (less time / fewer solutions) that still involves both search modes.
Result: direct up to 6 plus mitm_dfa up to 9 solve the attached 520258, leaving 15543.
FAR_direct6_mitm9.index.zst (1.1 MB)

My program (requires Rust):

[justinb@husk beaver]$ git clone -q -b finite-automata-reduction
[justinb@husk beaver]$ cp -l all_5_states_undecided_machines_with_global_header bbchallenge-undecided-index/bb5_undecided_index bbchallenge-deciders/
[justinb@husk beaver]$ cd bbchallenge-deciders/decider-finite-automata-reduction/
[justinb@husk decider-finite-automata-reduction]$ cargo build -r -q
[justinb@husk decider-finite-automata-reduction]$ # Run in "server" mode for distributed solving.
[justinb@husk decider-finite-automata-reduction]$ # Once started, please also start `target/release/decider-finite-automata-reduction --ip <server IP>` once per CPU to use. I used 14 here.
[justinb@husk decider-finite-automata-reduction]$ # Note: if you add too many CPUs too soon, progress-bar counts may vary. (If iterations overlap, it may double-solve some TMs.)
[justinb@husk decider-finite-automata-reduction]$ target/release/decider-finite-automata-reduction -s --ip $(hostname -i) -p direct -x 0 -l 6 -p mitm_dfa -x 6 -l 9
Done! Worker shutdown takes ~60s.
  520258+   15543               ████████████████████░ All Deciders: 01:32:32    
  535801/  535801 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ direct-1    : 00:00:00    
  476473/  476473 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ direct-2    : 00:00:01    
  402339/  402339 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ direct-3    : 00:00:04    
  300100/  300100 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ direct-4    : 00:00:13    
  159340/  159340 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ direct-5    : 00:01:04    
   70562/   70562 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ direct-6    : 00:08:04    
   32632/   32632 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ mitm_dfa-7  : 00:05:58    
   28581/   28581 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ mitm_dfa-8  : 00:19:48    
   21048/   21048 ~00:00:00     █████████████████████ mitm_dfa-9  : 00:57:53    

Reproduction (requires C++ with Boost; Python with packages automata-lib, pillow, python-sat, z3; and Glucose):

[justinb@husk beaver]$ git clone -q tonyg
[justinb@husk beaver]$ cp -l all_5_states_undecided_machines_with_global_header tonyg/SeedDatabase.bin
[justinb@husk beaver]$ cp -l bbchallenge-undecided-index/bb5_undecided_index tonyg/FAR/far_0.umf
[justinb@husk beaver]$ cd tonyg/FAR/
[justinb@husk FAR]$ c++ -Wall -O3 -oDecideFAR DecideFAR.cpp FAR_Decider.cpp FAR_Verifier.cpp -lboost_thread
[justinb@husk FAR]$ # Using more threads than cores helps. Don't get scared by these "elapsed time" figures: units are thread-seconds.
[justinb@husk FAR]$ for n in $(seq 6); do ./DecideFAR -N$n -Ifar_$((n-1)).umf -Ufar_$n.umf -Vfar_$n.dvf -M8; done
100% 535801 59328

Decided 59328 out of 535801
Elapsed time 16.060
100% 476473 74134

Decided 74134 out of 476473
Elapsed time 20.719
100% 402339 102239

Decided 102239 out of 402339
Elapsed time 90.505
100% 300100 140760

Decided 140760 out of 300100
Elapsed time 690.951
100% 159340 88778

Decided 88778 out of 159340
Elapsed time 5050.644
100% 70562 37930

Decided 37930 out of 70562
Elapsed time 41561.788
[justinb@husk FAR]$ cd ../..
[justinb@husk beaver]$ git clone -q
[justinb@husk beaver]$ cd bbchallenge
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ # As the README file indicates, we need to customize the "" script.
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ echo "GLUCOSE_PATH = '/usr/bin/glucose-syrup'" >>
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ mkdir datafiles tempfiles
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ touch datafiles/cfl_proofs.txt
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ cp -l ../all_5_states_undecided_machines_with_global_header datafiles/
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ cp -l ../tonyg/FAR/far_6.umf datafiles/bb5_undecided_index
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ # Args are: mode ("database"), depth, threads, timeout. (For reproduction, use a huge time limit.)
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ for n in $(seq 7 9); do python3 database $n 4 86400; done
Namespace(mode='database', n=7, threads=4, timeout=86400, idx=None, machine_code=None, instance_path=None, additional_acc=None, prooftype='vanilla', force_symmetric=False)
[... SNIP: detailed status info, showing only the last update for the 3 iterations ...]
100%|██████████████████████████████████▉| 32619/32632 [1:22:02<00:01,  6.63it/s]
100%|██████████████████████████████████▉| 28576/28581 [2:27:47<00:01,  3.22it/s]
100%|██████████████████████████████████▉| 21047/21048 [5:23:43<00:00,  1.08it/s]
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ # Convert this program's output to a bbchallenge index format:
[justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ python3 -c "from db_utils import *; proof_file_info(); open('../mitm.umf', 'wb').writelines(seed.to_bytes(4, 'big') for seed in all_undecided())"
82261it [00:00, 1128275.06it/s]
total_dfas_seen = 0
total_dfas_with_sink_state = 0
proof info:
length of index file:  32632
total idxs considered: 32632
solved with param n=7: 4051     left: 28581     12.4 percent success rate
solved with param n=8: 7533     left: 21048     26.4 percent success rate
solved with param n=9: 5505     left: 15543     26.2 percent success rate
left unsolved:         15543
82261it [00:00, 1325657.84it/s]
total_dfas_seen = 0
total_dfas_with_sink_state = 0

Finally, we have a decided index from my program and an undecided index from the other pair, so I check that they match:

justinb@husk bbchallenge]$ cd ..
[justinb@husk beaver]$ python3
Python 3.10.9 (main, Dec 19 2022, 17:35:49) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def read_index(path):
...     with open(path, 'rb') as f:
...         while (seed4 :=
...             yield int.from_bytes(seed4, 'big')
>>> set(read_index('mitm.umf')) == set(read_index('bbchallenge-undecided-index/bb5_undecided_index')) - set(read_index('bbchallenge-deciders/decider-finite-automata-reduction/output/finite_automata_reduction.index'))
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